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About Sitegraphics
Specializing in the design and development of sites for the Internet, Sitegraphics also adds thirty-five years of marketing, design studio and ad agency experience to the crafting of Web sites.. We constantly strive to bring all of these skills together when working with our clients.
Our Philosophy
As website construction is esoteric in nature, simply by virtue of it's computer code and computer language requirements, many of the sites seen on the Internet today, logically, are built by highly experienced technicians and code writers. While technical wizardry is of paramount importance and absolutely necessary (websites would not exist without it) many of these sites seem pointless and vague from a marketing and advertising perspective. Conversely, Sitegraphics brings to site design a unique combination of ad agency and solid technical know-how, allowing us to offer our clients a unique mixture of both marketing and computer expertise in one package.
Sitegraphics offers a unique blend of site development skills and ad agency experience.